VBA IsNull Function
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Last updated on July 19, 2021
IsNull Description
Used to check for a NULL value.
Simple IsNull Examples
Dim a
MsgBox IsNull(a)
Result: False
Dim a
a = Null
MsgBox IsNull(a)
Result: True
IsNull Syntax
In the VBA Editor, you can type “IsNull(” to see the syntax for the IsNull Function:
The IsNull function contains an argument:
Expression: An expression that will be tested.
IsNull Function Access VBA
The IsNull function works the same in Access VBA as it does in Excel VBA.
It is useful to check for a NULL value in a RecordSet Object.
Sub AllocateGSTTypeIfNull()
Set dbs = CurrentDb
Set rst = dbs.OpenRecordset("tblInvoices", dbOpenDynaset)
With rst
Do Until .EOF = False
'if GST Type is null then allocate 1 to it.
If IsNull(rst.Fields("GSTType")) = True Then
rst.Fields("GSTType") = 1
End If
End With
End Sub
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