Excel VBA Games
Over the years, I’ve come across many games built inside Excel. This post contains a list of some of the games that I’ve found. If you know of more, please contact me and I’ll add them here.
Andrew Engwirda created the familiar Battleship Game for Excel. You can play for you personal best.
Someone created Pacman for Excel. You can read more about it here, but it seems the link to the game is no longer available. I will update this post if I’m able to find it.
Add a Solitaire button to any toolbar, a quick game is just a click away!
On the Main Menu Bar
1. Tools
2. Customize
3. In the newly opened dialog box Select Tools in the Categories list
4. Scroll down the Commands list and you will see a deck of cards

5. Click and drag the Card Deck icon to the toolbar of your liking.
Update: There was a Simpsons game, but the download link is no longer current (so I’ve removed the link).
Not really a playing game, but more of a quiz test.
The Simpsons game tests your knowledge of character names. As a long-time Simpson fan, I was surprised by how little names I remembered. Seriously a shameful moment, only remembered main characters and a few others.
Sonic the HedgeHog
We all know this game, or should know it. I grew up on this game, and love it. This Sonic game, created by menace.ch, allows you to load the game within your Excel spreadsheet.
Sonic the HedgeHog, a excel game is about an arcade/action game where you drive Sonic through the different stages in which, in the final stage we will fight against Dr. Robotnick. In Sonic Excel we can play at least with 4 different characters : Sonic, Tails , Knuckles y Cream.
The game is a simple fun game. You run along and use Sonic to spin and get points. Great way to unwind.
Note: Download no longer available (Site no longer exists)
Guess the Movie
This game let’s you guess the movie from a bodyless movie picture: