How to Get Last Day of Month – Excel & Google Sheets

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Reviewed by

Steve Rynearson

Last updated on February 8, 2023
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This tutorial will demonstrate how to get the last day of a month in Excel and Google Sheets.

get last day of month


Get Last Day of Month

With the EOMONTH Function it is really straightforward to calculate the last day of a month.


last day of month 01

The syntax of the EOMONTH function is EOMONTH(start_date, months). The ‘months’ argument specifies the number of months before or after the start_date.

So if you need the last day of next month, you can simply use:


last day of month 02

You can also easily display the last day of last month like this:



Last Day of Month – Text

Instead of displaying the last day of the month as a standard date, you can display it as text, using the TEXT Function.

="The last day of the month is " & TEXT(EOMONTH(B3,0),"mm/dd/yyyy")

last day of month 04

Notice here, we’ve specified the date format of “mm/dd/yyyy”. There are many other date formats available to you.

List Last Days of Month

You can even create a list of the last days of months with a given starting date.


last day of month 05

How to Get Last Day of Month in Google Sheets

These formulas work exactly the same in Google Sheets as in Excel.

last day of month Google Function

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