Invalid Qualifier VBA Error

Written by

Mel Jenkins

Reviewed by

Steve Rynearson

Last updated on May 2, 2022

This article will explain the VBA invalid qualifier error.

The VBA invalid qualifier error occurs when trying to use properties or methods on a variable or object that do not actually exist for that variable or object.

String Variables and Properties

A simple example is when trying to assign a value to a string variable.

For example:

Sub InvalidQualifier()
  Dim strName As String
  strName.Value = "Steve"
End Sub

When we run this code, we would get the following error:

vba invalid qualifier intro

A simple alteration will fix our code:

Sub InvalidQualifier()
  Dim strName As String
  strName= "Steve"
End Sub

The value property is not available to a string variable and is not required to populate the variable.

Object and Methods

Another example could be when trying to work with an Object.

Take the following code for example:


vba invalid qualifier error


In the above code, the variable MyFile has been declared as a String variable. The code is trying to close the file if the file is open – but as a string variable is not an Object, you cannot assign it any properties or methods and therefore you will get this error.

To fix this error, you need to use an Object. We can declare a variable for a workbook and then create a second For Each Loop to check if the workbook name is equivalent to the string variable MyFile. If the workbook name is equivalent to this variable, we can use the Close method of the workbook object to close the file.

Sub CloseOpenFiles()
  Dim MyFolder As String
  Dim MyFile As String
  Dim wkb As Workbook

  MyFolder = "C:\Data"
  MyFile = Dir(MyFolder & "\*.xlsm")
  Do While MyFile <> ""
    For Each wkb In Workbooks
      If wkb.Name = MyFile Then
        wkb.Close False
      End If
    Next wkb
  MyFile = Dir
End Sub



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