VBA Object Variable or With Block Variable Not Set Error

Written by

Mel Jenkins

Reviewed by

Steve Rynearson

Last updated on May 2, 2022

This article will explain the VBA object variable or with block variable not set error.

vba error 91

This relatively common error occurs for exactly the reason that the message box says – the object variable or with block variable has not been set yet!

Object Variable Not Set

Let us consider the following code:

Sub TestObject()
  Dim wks as Worksheet
  wks.Name = "Sheet1"
End Sub

We have declared a new object variable called “wks” as a Worksheet.

We are then attempting to name this sheet – Sheet1

However, when we run the code, we get the run-time error. When we click on the Debug button, the code stops at the line where we are trying to name the sheet.

vba error object variable

We are trying to populate the variable “wks” – but we haven’t actually allocated the variable to a specific sheet – we have only declared it as a variable. Therefore, although the variable is declared, the object doesn’t actually exist!

Let us consider the amended code below:

Sub TestObject() 
  Dim wks as Worksheet
  Set wks = ActiveSheet
  wks.Name = "Sheet1" 
End Sub

We have now created the object with this line of code:

Set wks = ActiveSheet

The code will then run without error.

With Block Variable Not Set

Let us now consider this code:

Sub TestWith()
  Dim wks As Worksheet
  With wks
   .Name = "Sheet1"
  End With
End Sub

When we run this code, we get the same error:

vba error with block

When we click on debug, the code stops within the WITH….END WITH block – hence the with block variable error.

vba error with block debug

The error is actually the same and once again, by creating the object, we will solve the error.

Sub TestWith()
  Dim wks As Worksheet
  Set wks = ActiveSheet
  With wks
    .Name = "Sheet1"
  End With
End Sub



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