Apply Conditional Formatting – Entire Column in Excel & Google Sheets

Written by

Mel Jenkins

Reviewed by

Laura Tsitlidze

Last updated on April 3, 2022

This tutorial demonstrates how to apply conditional formatting rules to entire columns in Excel and Google Sheets.


condformating columns


Apply Conditional Formatting to Entire Column

You can emphasize larger numbers in a dataset by highlighting all the cells in a column (e.g., E) that are greater than a specified value (e.g., 250) with a Conditional Formatting Rule.

  1. Click on the column header to select the entire column.


cond formating select column


  1. In the Ribbon, select Home > Conditional Formatting > Highlight Cells Rules > Greater Than…


condformating greaterthan


  1. Type in the value you wish to test for, then select the format you require.


condformating greater than


  1. Click OK to apply the rule to the entire column.

Copy Conditional Formatting From One Cell


If you already have a conditional formatting rule set for a specific cell, you can copy this format to the entire column with Paste Special.

  1. Select the cell that has a conditional formatting rule and then right-click and click Copy (or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C).


condformating right click


  1. Click on the column header of the required column and then right-click and click Paste Special > Paste Format.


condformating paste format


  1. The conditional formatting rule that was applied to the original cell will now be applied to the entire column.


Format Painter

You can also copy the format applied to a single cell (in this case, conditional formatting) with the Format Painter feature.

  1. Select the cell that has a conditional formatting rule and then, in the Ribbon, select Home > Clipboard > Format Painter.


cond formatting format painter select cell


  1. Click on the header of the column where you want the rule applied.


cond formatting format painter select column


  1. The conditional formatting rule that was applied to the original cell is applied to the entire column.


cond formatting entire column


Apply to Entire Column in Google Sheets

You can also apply Conditional Formatting to an entire column in Google Sheets.

Apply Conditional Formatting

  1. In the Menu, select Format > Conditional Formatting.


condformating gs menu


  1. Click on the small square in the right of the Apply to range box.


condformating gs rules


  1. Select the column header of the column you wish to apply the conditional formatting rule to, then click OK.


condformating gs select range


  1. Create the rule in the Format cells if drop down box, and select the formatting style, and then click Done.


condformating gs create rule


The rule is applied to the entire column.


condformating gs applied Rule


Copy From One Cell


If you already have a cell or column with a Conditional Formatting rule set up, you can use Copy-Paste to copy the rule to another column.

  1. Right-click on a cell that has the conditional formatting rule applied to it and click Copy (or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + C).


condformating gs copy


  1. Right click on the column header of the column you wish to apply the rule to, and then select Paste special > Format only (or use the keyboard shortcut CTRL + ALT + V).


condformating gs paste special


The conditional formatting rule is applied to the entire column you selected.


Paint Format

If you already have a cell or column with a conditional formatting rule set up, you can use Paint Format to copy the rule to another column.

  1. Select the cell which has the conditional formatting rule applied.
  2. In the Menu, select Paint format.


condformating gs paint format


  1. Click on the header of the column you wish to apply the rule to copy the conditional formatting to that column.


condformating gs paint format applied

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