How to Highlight Columns in Excel & Google Sheets

Written by

Mel Jenkins

Reviewed by

Laura Tsitlidze

Last updated on September 11, 2023

This tutorial demonstrates how to highlight columns in Excel and Google Sheets.

highlight columns intro

Highlight Adjacent Columns

highlight columns data

  1. First, select the columns you want to highlight. Click on the header of the first column and then, holding down the mouse button, drag across to the right to the last column you wish to highlight.

highlight columns select adjacent

  1. In the Ribbon, go to the Home tab and click the Fill Color icon. Choose a color.

highlight columns fill adjacent

This applies a background fill to the selected columns in the color chosen.

highlight columns adjacent

Tip: The shortcut for highlighting cells is ALT > H > H.

Highlight Non-Adjacent Columns

You can also highlight non-adjacent columns.

  1. Using the same set of data, click on the first column header, and then holding down the CTRL key, click on the next column. Keep holding down the CTRL key until you have selected all the columns you need.

highlight columns select non adjacent

  1. In the Ribbon, go to the Home tab and click the Fill Color icon. Choose a color.

highlight columns fill non adjacent

This applies a background fill to the selected columns in the color chosen.

highlight columns non adjacent

Highlight Columns in Google Sheets

  1. To highlight adjacent columns in Google Sheets, click on the column header of the first column, and then drag the mouse across to the last column.

highlight columns gs adjacent

  1. In the Toolbar, click the Fill Color icon and choose a color.

highlight columns gs fill color

This applies a background fill to the selected columns in the color you chose.

highlight columns gs highlighted

To highlight non-adjacent columns, use the CTRL key to select the columns, and then add fill color like in Step 2 above.

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