How to Merge and Center Cells in Excel & Google Sheets

Written by

Editorial Team

Reviewed by

Laura Tsitlidze

Last updated on August 25, 2023

Merge and Center Shortcut

Remember This Shortcut:
ALT is the command to activate the Ribbon shortcuts. H for Home, M for Merge cells, C for Center

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This tutorial demonstrates how to merge and center cells in Excel and Google Sheets.

merge and center intro

Merge and Center Cells

In Excel, there’s a quick way to merge cells at the same time as centering the text in the merged cell.

Say, for example, you have data in a cell acting as a table heading, you may want to center it across the columns of your table.

  1. Select the cells you want to merge.

merge and center select

  1. In the Ribbon, go to Home > Alignment > Merge & Center (or use the shortcut ALT > H > M > C).

merge and center ribbon

  1. This merges the selected cells into one large cell, with the data from the first cell centered across the columns selected.

merge and center merged

Replace Data When Merging Cells

If you have values in each of the cells you want to merge across (here, A1:C1), only one value can be retained.

merge and center initial data

  1. Select the cells you want to merge (A1:C1), and in the Ribbon, go to Home > Merge & Center.

merge and center 1

  1. A warning pops up that merging cells only keeps the value from the upper-left cell. Press OK to confirm.

merge and center 2

As a result, cells A1:C1 are merged and centered, keeping the value from cell A1.

merge and center final data

Merge and Center Cells in Google Sheets

Unlike Excel, Google Sheet doesn’t center merged cells automatically. Merge cells first, and then set the alignment to center.

  1. Select the cells you want to merge (A1:C1), and in the Menu, click the Merge cells icon.

google sheets merge and center 1

  1. A message pops up with a warning that merging cells only keeps the value from the upper-left cell. Press OK to confirm.

google sheets merge and center 2

  1. Now, center the merged cell. In the Menu, click the Horizontal align icon and choose Center.

google sheets merge and center 3

As a result, cells A1:C1 are merged and centered.

google sheets merge and center 4

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