How to Create Range Names from Selection in Excel

Written by

Mel Jenkins

Reviewed by

Laura Tsitlidze

Last updated on November 30, 2023

This tutorial demonstrates how to use Excel’s Create from Selection feature to create multiple named ranges at once.

RangeNames ShowNames

If the data is arranged in such a fashion that either a row or a column, or both the row and column, have a heading, then you can use this heading to create a range name from a selected range.

Shortcut to Insert Named Range Into Formula

From within a cell, this Excel shortcut opens a dialog box from which you can select a named range to insert into a formula.

PC Shortcut:F3

See All Excel Shortcuts

Create Range Names From a Selection

  1. Highlight the data that contains the headings and the values that you wish to create range names for.

RangeNames Select

  1. In the Ribbon, go to Formulas > Defined Names > Create from Selection.

RangeNames Ribbon

  1. Excel recognizes the row and column headers and automatically sets the Top row and Left Column as the range names.

RangeNames CreateNames

  1. Click OK to create the range names.

RangeNames March

Note: Each space in the row headers is replaced with an underscore (_); spaces are not allowed in range names. Should your header contain any other invalid characters – like # or % – these too would be replaced with an underscore.

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