How to Edit / Change Named Ranges in Excel & Google Sheets

Written by

Mel Jenkins

Reviewed by

Laura Tsitlidze

Last updated on July 23, 2023

This tutorial demonstrates how to edit named ranges in Excel and Google Sheets.

EditRangeNames Intro

When you have existing range names in Excel, you can edit these range names with Name Manager.

Name Manager

Start by opening the Excel file that contains the named ranges. Then in the Ribbon, go to Formulas > Defined Names > Name Manager.

EditRangeNames Ribbon

Name Manager contains all the range names in the current workbook.

EditRangeNames Name Manager

There are two ways you can edit a range name in Name Manager.

Range Name Edit Button

  1. Select the range name and then click Edit…

EditRangeNames EditButton

  1. To edit the range of cells that the name refers to, click the small up arrow to the right of the Refers to box.

EditRangeNames EditRange

  1. Highlight the new range, then click the down arrow to return the Edit Name box.

EditRangeNames HighlightRange

  1. Click OK to return to Name Manager to confirm the change.

EditRangeNames AmendedName

Change Range Name With Refers to

  1. In Name Manager, click the range name then click the small up arrow to the right of the Refers to box.

EditRangeNames RefersTo

  1. Then highlight the new range you want the name to refer to and click the little down arrow to return to Name Manager.

EditRangeNames Amend RefersTo

  1. To confirm the change, click the little green checkmark to the left of the box showing the selected range.

EditRangeNames ConfirmChange

If you skip this step, then you get a message box when you click Close.

EditRangeNames ConfirmClose

You can click Yes to save the change, or No to revert back to the original range of cells.

Change the Name of a Range

Name Manager also allows you to change the name of the named range.

In Name Manager, click the range name to be changed and click Edit…

EditRangeNames EditButton

You can then rename the range in the Name field and click OK.

EditRangeNames ChangeName

Name Manager shows the new range name.

EditRangeName ChangedName

Edit Named Ranges in Google Sheets

Renaming range names in Google Sheets is similar.

  1. In the Menu, go to Data > Named ranges.

EditRangeNames GS Ribbon

  1. Select the range name to be changed and click the Edit button.

EditRangeName GS Edit

  1. You can then change the name and/or change the range of cells that the name refers to.

EditRangeNames GS Amend

  1. Click OK then Done to confirm the changes.

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