How to Replace Formula With Value in Excel & Google Sheets

Written by

Mel Jenkins

Reviewed by

Laura Tsitlidze

Last updated on September 1, 2023

This tutorial demonstrates how to replace formulas with values in Excel and Google Sheets.

formula to values intro


Sometimes, you might want to replace formulas with values in Excel. For example, doing so can reduce the size of a large file. You can, of course, manually replace the formula with the correct value – but if you have a large worksheet, this can be rather time-consuming and leave you at risk of making errors! To prevent this, and to speed up the process, replace formulas with values in Excel using Paste Values.

Copy-Paste Values: Selected Cells

Paste Values Icon

  1. Highlight the cells with formulas that you want to replace with values.

formula to values highlight cells

  1. In the Ribbon, go to Home > Clipboard > Copy (or press CTRL + C).

formula to values copy cells

  1. Don’t click away from the selection. In the Ribbon, go to Home > Clipboard > Paste > Paste Values.

formula to values paste cells

Formulas are now replaced with values.

formula to values result

Paste Special

Paste Values can also be found under Paste Special.

  1. Click Paste Special… at the bottom of the Paste drop down.

formula to values select paste special

  1. In the Paste Special dialog box, choose Values and click OK.

formula to values paste special

Copy-Paste Values: Entire Worksheet

To replace all the formulas in your entire worksheet with values, highlight the entire worksheet.

  1. Click on the top-left corner of your worksheet to select all cells in the worksheet (or use the shortcut CTRL + A twice).

formula to values highlight sheet

  1. Then, in the Ribbon, go to Home > Clipboard > Copy.

formula to values copy sheet

  1. Do not click anywhere else in the sheet. In the Ribbon, go to Home > Clipboard > Paste > Paste Values.

Note: It may take a long time to paste the values if you have a large worksheet with lots of formulas.

Replace Formulas With Values in Google Sheets

Copy formulas and replace them with values in Google Sheets by using Paste Special.

  1. Highlight the cells that contain the formulas you want to replace.

formula to values gs copy

  1. Then, in the Menu, go to Edit > Copy, and then immediately go to Edit > Paste special > Values only (or use the shortcut CTRL + SHIFT + V).
    Note: This shortcut only works in Google Sheets, not Excel.

formula to values gs paste special

Your formulas are then replaced with values.

formula to values gs paste

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